How to Excel in Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings?

Key Highlights

  1. Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings introduces a unique and challenging faction to Total War: Warhammer 2
  2. The Tomb Kings have a different playstyle, focusing on reclaiming their lost territory rather than the traditional conquest
  3. The faction has a strong economy and unique mechanics, including unlimited free troops and a focus on canopic jars and trade resources
  4. The Tomb Kings’ campaign objective is to collect the Books of Nagash and control the Black Pyramid of Nagash
  5. The faction’s units include powerful constructs like Warsphinxes and Hierotitans, as well as a variety of skeletons and chariots
  6. The Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings offer a refreshing and engaging gameplay experience for both new and experienced players of Total War: Warhammer 2


Total War: Warhammer 2 is known for its diverse and engaging gameplay, and the Rise of the Tomb Kings DLC adds a whole new level of excitement to the game. This expansion introduces the Tomb Kings, an ancient faction that has risen from the sands of Nehekhara to reclaim their lost glory. The Tomb Kings have a unique playstyle that focuses on reclaiming their lost territory and collecting the powerful Books of Nagash. With their unlimited free troops and powerful constructs, the Tomb Kings offer a refreshing and challenging gameplay experience for both new and experienced players of Total War: Warhammer 2. In this blog, we will delve into the key highlights, mechanics, and strategies to excel in Total War: Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings. So, grab your skeletal warriors and get ready to conquer the world as the mighty Tomb Kings!

Understanding Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings

The Rise of the Tomb Kings DLC brings the mighty Tomb Kings to Total War: Warhammer 2. These ancient rulers of Nehekhara are back to reclaim their lost empire in a unique campaign. As the Tomb Kings, you will unlock the secrets of the mortuary cult, raise legions of skeletal warriors, and wage war against your enemies. With their own set of mechanics and units, the Tomb Kings offer a fresh and challenging experience for players. Get ready to embark on a legendary campaign as you rise to power and establish your dominance over the world of Warhammer!

The Lore Behind Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings

The Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings have a rich lore and history in the Warhammer universe. These ancient rulers of Nehekhara were once powerful kings and queens, but their empire fell into ruin. Now, they seek to reclaim their lost glory and ascend to immortality. The Books of Nagash play a crucial role in their lore, as they contain the secrets of necromancy and the power to control the undead. The ultimate prize for the Tomb Kings is the Black Pyramid of Nagash, a magical superweapon built by the world’s first Necromancer. To claim victory, each Tomb King faction must control the Black Pyramid directly and collect the five Books of Nagash. It’s a race against time and rival factions as the Tomb Kings fight for dominance and immortality.

Key Features of the Tomb Kings Expansion

The Tomb Kings expansion brings a host of exciting features and gameplay mechanics to Total War: Warhammer 2. Here are some key highlights:

  1. A new playable faction: Rise to power as the mighty Tomb Kings and reclaim your lost empire in the world of Warhammer.
  2. Unique campaign mechanics: Experience the rise of the Tomb Kings as you collect the powerful Books of Nagash and control the Black Pyramid.
  3. Unlimited free troops: Raise vast legions of skeletal warriors without worrying about recruitment costs or upkeep.
  4. Powerful constructs: Command fearsome constructs like Warsphinxes and Hierotitans to crush your enemies on the battlefield.
  5. Eye of the Vortex campaign: Engage in a race for control of the Vortex, competing with the other factions for dominance.

The Tomb Kings expansion offers a challenging and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Get ready to embark on an epic journey as the Tomb Kings rise to power!

total war warhammer 2 tomb kings

Preparing for Your Campaign

Before you embark on your campaign as the Tomb Kings, it’s important to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Choose the right Legendary Lord: Each Tomb King faction has a unique Legendary Lord with different abilities and traits. Choose the one that suits your playstyle.
  2. Collect Canopic Jars: Canopic Jars are a valuable resource for the Tomb Kings. Use them to unlock powerful abilities and recruit powerful constructs.
  3. Master the art of diplomacy: Diplomacy plays a crucial role in the Tomb Kings’ campaign. Forge alliances, trade resources, and secure your borders to ensure your success as a Tomb King.

Choosing the Right Legendary Lord

Choosing the right Legendary Lord is crucial for your success as a Tomb King. Each Legendary Lord offers unique abilities and bonuses that can greatly impact your campaign. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right Legendary Lord:

  1. Settra the Imperishable: Settra offers a strong economy and trade bonuses, making him a great choice for players who want to focus on diplomacy and economic growth.
  2. High Queen Khalida: Khalida specializes in poison-based units and has bonuses against Vampire Counts. She is a great choice for players who want to focus on countering undead factions.
  3. Arkhan the Black: Arkhan is a unique Legendary Lord who has access to units from both the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts. He also has bonuses to raise and maintain armies, making him a versatile choice.
  4. Grand Hierophant Khatep: Khatep focuses on magic and has bonuses to recruit and maintain powerful constructs. He is a great choice for players who want to focus on magical warfare and heavy-hitting units.

Choose the Legendary Lord that suits your playstyle and objectives, and lead your Tomb Kings to victory!

Essential Resources and Equipment to Get Started

In the early game of the Tomb Kings campaign, it’s important to focus on acquiring essential resources and equipment. Here are a few key resources and equipment to prioritize:

  1. Canopic Jars: Collect as many Canopic Jars as possible. These valuable resources can be used to unlock powerful abilities and recruit powerful constructs.
  2. Trade resources: Establish trade routes and secure valuable trade resources to boost your economy and gain access to unique bonuses.
  3. Tomb King equipment: Equip your Tomb Kings with powerful weapons, armor, and talismans to enhance their abilities and make them more formidable in battle.
  4. Regiments of Renown: Unlock and recruit Regiments of Renown, special units with unique abilities and bonuses, to add extra firepower to your armies.

By prioritizing these resources and equipment, you will be well-equipped to face the challenges of the early game and establish a strong foundation for your Tomb Kings campaign.

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Tomb Kings

Mastering the Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings can be a daunting task for beginners, but fear not! Here are a few tips to help you get started on your journey to greatness:

  1. Understand your units: Familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of your units, from the lowly skeleton warriors to the mighty constructs.
  2. Secure the Black Pyramid: The Black Pyramid of Nagash is your ultimate objective. Prioritize controlling it and collecting the Books of Nagash to solidify your power.
  3. Learn from the Vampire Counts: Study the tactics and strategies of the Vampire Counts, as they share similar mechanics and units with the Tomb Kings.

With practice and perseverance, you will soon become a master of the Tomb Kings and lead your armies to glorious victory!

Introduction to Units and Their Strengths

The Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings have a unique roster of units that offer different strengths and abilities. Here are a few key units and their strengths:

  1. Skeleton Warriors: These basic infantry units form the backbone of your army. They have high numbers and are great for holding the line.
  2. Tomb Guard: These elite infantry units are heavily armored and can deal significant damage. They are excellent for breaking through enemy lines.
  3. Warsphinxes: These powerful constructs are like living tanks. They have high durability and deal devastating damage to enemy units.
  4. Ushabti: These massive constructs are armed with giant bows or great weapons. They excel at ranged or melee combat, respectively.
  5. Chariots: The Tomb Kings have a variety of chariots, each with its own unique abilities and strengths. Use them to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your units will help you form a well-balanced army and dominate your enemies on the battlefield.

The Importance of Strategic Positioning

Strategic positioning is crucial in the Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings. Here are a few reasons why it is important:

  1. Flanking: Positioning your units to flank the enemy can give you a significant advantage in battle. Flanking can disrupt enemy formations and cause chaos among their ranks.
  2. Protecting key units: Strategic positioning can help you protect your key units, such as your Tomb Kings or construct units, from enemy attacks.
  3. Maximizing unit abilities: Some units in the Tomb Kings’ roster have special abilities that require strategic positioning to maximize their effectiveness.
  4. Ambushes: The Tomb Kings can utilize ambush tactics to surprise and overwhelm their enemies. Strategic positioning plays a crucial role in setting up successful ambushes.

By mastering strategic positioning, you can outmaneuver and outwit your opponents, leading your Tomb Kings to glorious victory!

total war warhammer 2 tomb kings

Step-by-Step Campaign Strategy

Embarking on a Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings requires careful planning and strategy. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the challenges and dominate your enemies:

  1. Step 1: Establishing a Strong Economy: Focus on expanding your territories, securing trade routes, and collecting valuable resources to boost your economy.
  2. Step 2: Prioritizing Research and Technologies: Research and unlock technologies that enhance your units and economy. Invest in technologies that unlock elite units and improve your infrastructure.
  3. Step 3: Diplomacy and Alliances: Forge alliances with other factions or use diplomacy to secure trade agreements and non-aggression pacts.
  4. Step 4: Expanding Your Territory Wisely: Expand your territory strategically, prioritizing key resources and securing defensive positions.
  5. Step 5: Mastering Battle Tactics and Unit Composition: Experiment with different unit compositions and battle tactics to find what works best for your playstyle.

By following this step-by-step strategy, you will be well-prepared to face the challenges of the Tomb Kings campaign and lead your vast legions of skeletal warriors to victory!

Step 1: Establishing a Strong Economy

Establishing a strong economy is crucial for your success as a Tomb King. Here are a few tips to help you build a thriving economy:

  1. Expand your territories: Conquer new settlements and secure valuable resources to increase your income.
  2. Invest in infrastructure: Build economic buildings and upgrade your settlements to increase your income and unlock unique campaign bonuses.
  3. Trade and diplomacy: Establish trade routes with other factions and secure trade agreements to boost your income.
  4. Develop your Tomb Kings factions: Each Tomb King faction has unique bonuses and abilities that can enhance your economy. Invest in technologies and skills that improve your economic output.

By focusing on building a strong economy, you will have the resources to recruit powerful units, construct mighty buildings, and dominate your enemies.

Step 2: Prioritizing Research and Technologies

Research and technologies play a crucial role in the Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings. Here are a few tips to help you prioritize your research and technologies:

  1. Unlock powerful units: Prioritize technologies that unlock elite units and constructs, such as Warsphinxes and Hierotitans.
  2. Improve your infrastructure: Invest in technologies that improve your settlements, increase public order, and unlock unique buildings.
  3. Enhance your economy: Research technologies that boost your income, reduce recruitment costs, and improve trade.
  4. Unlock campaign bonuses: Some technologies offer unique campaign bonuses that can greatly enhance your Tomb Kings factions.

By prioritizing research and technologies, you will be able to unlock powerful units, enhance your economy, and establish a dominant position in the world of Warhammer.

Step 3: Diplomacy and Alliances

Diplomacy and alliances can play a crucial role in the Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the complex world of diplomacy:

  1. Forge alliances: Establish alliances with other factions that share common enemies or objectives. Use diplomacy to secure trade agreements, non-aggression pacts, and military alliances.
  2. Secure trade routes: Trade routes can provide a significant boost to your economy. Secure trade agreements and protect your trade routes to maximize your income.
  3. Non-aggression pacts: Non-aggression pacts can help you maintain peaceful relations with other factions, allowing you to focus on expanding your territories.
  4. Military alliances: Forming military alliances can provide you with valuable allies in times of war and can be instrumental in securing victory.

By utilizing diplomacy and alliances effectively, you can secure valuable trade routes, form powerful alliances, and ensure the survival and growth of your Tomb Kings factions.

Step 4: Expanding Your Territory Wisely

Expanding your territory strategically is crucial in the Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings. Here are a few tips to help you expand your territory wisely:

  1. Identify valuable resources: Scout the map and identify settlements that offer valuable resources, such as gold mines or strategic positions.
  2. Secure defensive positions: Focus on securing defensive positions that are easily defensible and provide strategic advantages in battles.
  3. Develop key settlements: Invest in infrastructure and upgrade key settlements to increase their economic output and recruiting capabilities.
  4. Balance expansion and defense: Expand your territory gradually to avoid overextending your forces. Balance expansion with defense to ensure the stability and security of your empire.

By expanding your territory wisely, you will be able to secure valuable resources, establish strong defensive positions, and maintain the stability of your empire.

Step 5: Mastering Battle Tactics and Unit Composition

Mastering battle tactics and unit composition is crucial for your success on the battlefield as the Tomb Kings. Here are a few tips to help you master the art of warfare:

  1. Experiment with unit compositions: Try different unit compositions to find what works best for your playstyle. Balance melee units with ranged units and powerful constructs.
  2. Positioning and flanking: Position your units strategically and use flanking maneuvers to gain the upper hand in battle. Use your powerful constructs to disrupt enemy formations and turn the tide of battle.
  3. Utilize magic: The Tomb Kings have access to powerful magic spells. Use your Liche Priests to cast devastating spells and support your troops in battle.
  4. Command your Tomb Lords: Your Tomb Lords are powerful leaders on the battlefield. Use their unique abilities and bonuses to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

By mastering battle tactics and unit composition, you will be able to outmaneuver and outwit your opponents on the battlefield and secure victory in the vortex of war.

total war warhammer 2 tomb kings

Advanced Tips and Tricks

For advanced players looking to take their Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings to the next level, here are a few tips and tricks to consider:

  1. Maximize the unique mechanics of the Tomb Kings: The Tomb Kings have unique mechanics, such as the Mortuary Cult and the ability to recruit units from multiple factions. Explore these mechanics and use them to your advantage.
  2. Utilize heroes and agents effectively: Heroes and agents play a crucial role in the Tomb Kings’ campaign. Use them to gather intelligence, assassinate enemy heroes, and spread your influence.
  3. Balance your army composition and upkeep: While Tomb Kings units are free to recruit and maintain, there is a limit to the number of units you can field. Balance your army composition to maximize the effectiveness of your forces while managing your upkeep costs.

By utilizing these advanced tips and tricks, you will be able to master the Tomb Kings’ campaign and lead your faction to ultimate victory!

Maximizing the Unique Mechanics of Tomb Kings

The Tomb Kings have unique mechanics that set them apart from other factions in Total War: Warhammer 2. Here are a few ways to maximize the unique mechanics of the Tomb Kings:

  1. Harness the power of the Mortuary Cult: The Mortuary Cult allows you to craft magic items and powerful unique units. Utilize this mechanic to enhance your armies and gain an edge in battle.
  2. Embrace the lore of the Tomb Kings: Immerse yourself in the rich lore of the Tomb Kings and learn about their history and objectives. This will help you role-play as the Tomb Kings and make strategic decisions based on their lore.
  3. Unleash the might of Settra: Settra the Imperishable is the legendary ruler of the Tomb Kings. Embrace his leadership and utilize his unique abilities and bonuses to lead your faction to victory.

By maximizing the unique mechanics of the Tomb Kings, you will be able to fully embrace the power and glory of this ancient faction and conquer the world of Warhammer!

Utilizing Heroes and Agents Effectively

Heroes and agents play a crucial role in the Tomb Kings’ campaign. Here are a few ways to utilize heroes and agents effectively:

  1. Recruitment and leveling: Recruit heroes and agents with skills that complement your playstyle and objectives. Level them up strategically to maximize their effectiveness in battle and on the campaign map.
  2. Hero actions: Use heroes to perform actions such as assaulting enemy armies, assassinating enemy heroes, and spreading your influence. These actions can weaken your enemies and provide valuable intelligence.
  3. Agent actions: Utilize agents to perform actions such as scouting, sabotaging enemy settlements, and recruiting local units. These actions can give you a strategic advantage in battles and on the campaign map.
  4. Chariot heroes: Consider recruiting heroes with chariots. These heroes can provide both support and devastating offensive capabilities on the battlefield.

By utilizing heroes and agents effectively, you will be able to gain an edge in battles, gather intelligence, and spread your influence throughout the world of Warhammer!

total war warhammer 2 tomb kings

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

To ensure your success as the Tomb Kings, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls. Here are a few to watch out for:

  1. Neglecting armor and infantry: While the Tomb Kings have powerful constructs, it’s important to also invest in and utilize strong armor and infantry units to hold the line and provide support.
  2. Ignoring dynasties: Each Tomb Kings faction has unique dynasties that provide powerful bonuses and abilities. Don’t neglect these dynasties and their potential to enhance your faction’s capabilities.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and focusing on building a well-rounded army and utilizing the unique mechanics of the Tomb Kings, you will be well-prepared to dominate your enemies and secure victory!

Overextension and Resource Management

One of the common pitfalls in the Tomb Kings’ campaign is overextension and resource management. Here are a few tips to avoid these pitfalls:

  1. Avoid overextending your territories: Expanding too quickly can stretch your forces thin and make it difficult to defend your territories. Expand strategically and focus on securing key resources and defensive positions.
  2. Manage your resources wisely: Keep a close eye on your economy and resources. Balance your income and expenses, and prioritize investments that will enhance your armies and infrastructure.
  3. Monitor functionality and analytics: Use the functionality and analytics provided in the game to track your progress and make informed decisions. Pay attention to resource management and adjust your strategies accordingly.

By avoiding overextension and managing your resources effectively, you will be able to maintain stability and prosperity in your Tomb Kings’ campaign.

Balancing Army Composition and Upkeep

Balancing army composition and upkeep is crucial to your success as the Tomb Kings. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the perfect balance:

  1. Maximize your unit variety: Include a variety of units in your army composition to cover different roles and counter different enemy units. Balance melee units with ranged units and powerful constructs.
  2. Manage your unit cap: While Tomb Kings units are free to recruit and maintain, there is a limit to the number of units you can field. Balance your unit cap to include a mix of core units, powerful constructs, and specialized units.
  3. Equip your units with talismans: Talismans provide powerful bonuses to your units, enhancing their abilities and making them more formidable in battle. Equip your units with talismans to maximize their effectiveness.

By balancing your army composition and managing your unit cap effectively, you will be able to field a versatile and powerful army that can overcome any challenge on the battlefield.

total war warhammer 2 tomb kings


In the grand scheme of Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings, mastering the art of crushing your foes with style and strategy is key to claiming victory. From understanding the lore behind Tomb Kings to choosing the right Legendary Lord, and establishing a strong economy for your campaign – it’s all about bringing your A-game to the deserts of Nehekhara. Remember, balance is crucial – whether it’s in army composition or resource management. So, go forth, conquer wisely, and may your Kanopic Jars overflow with success! Just beware of overextension pitfalls and remember, even in the heat of battle, Tomb Kings don’t have a “resurrect all” button!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I counter specific factions with Total War Warhammer 2 Tomb Kings?

To counter specific factions with the Tomb Kings, consider the following strategies:

  1. Against archer-heavy factions, use constructs to close the distance quickly and neutralize their ranged units.
  2. Utilize Tomb Kings’ unique rites and abilities to counter specific faction strengths and exploit their weaknesses.

By tailoring your strategies to counter specific factions, you will be able to gain the upper hand in battle and secure victory as the Tomb Kings.

What is the best way to earn Kanopic Jars?

To earn Kanopic Jars, focus on completing missions, winning battles, and securing settlements. Additionally, consider constructing buildings that generate Kanopic Jars and prioritize technologies that increase their collection rate. Use Kanopic Jars strategically to unlock powerful abilities and recruit constructs.

Can Tomb Kings units be resurrected during battle?

Unlike other factions, Tomb Kings units cannot be resurrected during battle. However, they have unlimited free troops and can recruit new units after a battle. Focus on maintaining a strong economy and replenishing your forces between battles.

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