The Horror Continues: Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game Review

Key Highlights

  1. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game brings the iconic franchise back to its horror roots, delivering a terrifying and immersive experience.
  2. The first-person perspective and PlayStation VR compatibility take the horror genre to incredible heights of immersion.
  3. The game successfully combines classic Resident Evil elements, such as puzzles and exploration, with innovative gameplay mechanics.
  4. The graphics and design of Resident Evil 7 are detailed and realistic, creating a believable horror setting.
  5. The Baker family and the molded monsters provide a fresh and twisted take on the game’s antagonists.
  6. The narrative and storytelling in Resident Evil 7 unravel a mystery that keeps players engaged and invested in the game.


In 2017, Capcom unleashed Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game onto the gaming world, marking a return to the series’ horror roots and delivering a truly terrifying experience. As the seventh main installment in the iconic Resident Evil franchise, this survival horror game took players on a chilling journey through the Baker family’s deranged plantation in Louisiana and Japan.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game introduced several groundbreaking features that set it apart from its predecessors. The game embraced the first-person perspective, providing players with an incredibly immersive experience. Additionally, it was compatible with PlayStation VR, elevating the horror to new heights of realism.

But Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game wasn’t just a technical achievement; it also paid homage to the classic elements that made the Resident Evil series so beloved. From intricate puzzles to atmospheric exploration, the game captured the essence of the original games while introducing innovative gameplay mechanics.

With its detailed graphics, spine-chilling sound design, and a narrative that kept players on the edge of their seats, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard received critical acclaim and cemented its place as one of the most memorable entries in the franchise. In this review, we will delve into the key highlights of the game, explore its gameplay mechanics, and examine its captivating narrative. Prepare to be immersed in the nightmare that is Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game.

resident evil 7 biohazard game

A New Era of Horror: Embracing the First-Person Perspective

One of the most significant departures from previous Resident Evil games was the adoption of a first-person perspective in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. This drastic change brought a new era of horror to the franchise, allowing players to experience the terror of the Baker family’s plantation directly from a first-person perspective for the first time in the series.

The first-person perspective created a sense of vulnerability and helplessness, amplifying the fear factor. As players navigated the dilapidated halls and dimly lit rooms, they felt every creaking floorboard and heard every distant whisper. The game’s atmosphere became even more oppressive and tense, heightening the overall horror experience.

But the terror didn’t stop there. With the introduction of PlayStation VR compatibility and the use of PlayStation Plus, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game pushed the boundaries of virtual reality gaming. Players could step into the shoes of protagonist Ethan Winters and truly immerse themselves in the nightmarish world of the game. The ability to look around and explore the environment in a more natural and intuitive way added a layer of realism that intensified the fear.

Playing Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game in virtual reality allowed players to fully appreciate the game’s attention to detail. From the grotesque creatures to the eerie ambiance, every element of the game came to life in a way that traditional gaming couldn’t replicate. It was a truly groundbreaking experience that showcased the potential of virtual reality in the horror genre.

By embracing the first-person perspective and incorporating virtual reality, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game redefined what it meant to be scared in a video game. It transported players into a world of unimaginable horrors, where every shadow could conceal a deadly threat. The combination of the first-person perspective and PlayStation VR compatibility took the horror genre to incredible heights of immersion, making Resident Evil 7 Biohazard a must-play for horror enthusiasts.

How First-Person View Changes Gameplay Dynamics

The switch to a first-person perspective in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game had a profound impact on the game’s gameplay dynamics. In previous Resident Evil titles, the third-person perspective allowed players to observe their surroundings and enemies from a safe distance. However, the first-person perspective placed players directly in the shoes of Ethan Winters, creating a much more intimate and intense experience.

The shift to first-person view changed the way players interacted with the environment. Every step taken, every door opened, and every item picked up felt more personal and immediate. The limited field of vision heightened the suspense and made each encounter with the Baker family or the molded monsters feel more visceral and terrifying.

Furthermore, the first-person perspective forced players to rely on their own instincts and reflexes. They had to carefully navigate the dark and dangerous environments, effectively managing their resources and making split-second decisions to survive. The immersive nature of the first-person view made every encounter feel like a fight for survival, adding an extra layer of tension and adrenaline to the gameplay.

Overall, the first-person perspective enhanced the gameplay experience in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It brought players closer to the horrors of the game, immersing them in a terrifying and visceral world where danger lurked around every corner. The shift in perspective successfully refreshed the gameplay dynamics, making Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game a standout entry in the series.

Immersive Horror: The Role of VR Compatibility

While the first-person perspective in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard added a new layer of immersion, the game truly reached incredible heights with its compatibility with PlayStation VR. Virtual reality technology allowed players to step into the shoes of Ethan Winters and experience the horrors of the Baker family’s plantation in a way that was previously unimaginable.

Playing Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game in virtual reality created an unparalleled sense of presence and immersion. Every creaking floorboard, flickering light, and distant whisper felt unsettlingly real. The ability to look around and explore the environment in a more natural and intuitive way made the experience even more terrifying.

Virtual reality also added an extra layer of depth to the game’s horror elements. The grotesque creatures, eerie ambiance, and jump scares became even more intense when experienced in virtual reality. Players found themselves physically ducking and looking over their shoulders, fully immersed in the nightmare that was Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game.

The VR compatibility elevated the game to a whole new level, showcasing the potential of virtual reality in the horror genre. It transported players into a world where they were not just spectators but active participants in the terrifying events unfolding around them. The immersive nature of PlayStation VR made Resident Evil 7 Biohazard a truly unforgettable horror experience.

resident evil 7 biohazard game

The Revival of Classic Resident Evil Elements

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard successfully revived the classic elements that made the Resident Evil series so beloved. The game paid homage to its roots while introducing innovative gameplay mechanics and a fresh twist on the antagonists, including the infamous nemesis. From intricate puzzles that harkened back to the original games to atmospheric exploration reminiscent of the series’ early days, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard captured the essence of what made the franchise iconic. It was a nostalgic yet refreshing take on survival horror that delighted fans and newcomers alike.

Puzzles and Exploration: A Nod to the Originals

One of the standout features of the Resident Evil series has always been its puzzles and exploration, and Resident Evil 7 Biohazard successfully brought these elements back to the forefront. The game featured intricate puzzles that required players to carefully examine their surroundings, collect items, and solve riddles to progress. These puzzles harkened back to the classic Resident Evil games, challenging players to think outside the box and uncover hidden secrets.

In addition to the puzzles, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game encouraged exploration of its hauntingly atmospheric environments. Players had to navigate the sprawling Baker family plantation, uncovering its dark secrets and uncovering clues to advance the story. The game’s detailed and immersive environments rewarded thorough exploration, providing a sense of discovery and adding depth to the overall gameplay experience.

By incorporating these classic elements, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard paid homage to the series’ roots while introducing fresh and innovative gameplay mechanics. It was a nod to the original games that delighted longtime fans and introduced a new generation of players to the magic of Resident Evil.

The Importance of Atmosphere in Survival Horror

Atmosphere plays a crucial role in any survival horror game, and Resident Evil 7 Biohazard excelled in creating a haunting and oppressive atmosphere. The game’s environments were meticulously designed to evoke a sense of dread and unease, with dimly lit halls, decrepit rooms, and eerie sound effects that sent shivers down players’ spines.

The oppressive atmosphere in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game heightened the tension and amplified the horror. Every step taken through the dark and foreboding hallways felt like walking on eggshells, with the constant fear of encountering a grotesque enemy lurking around the corner. The game’s attention to detail, from the flickering lights to the subtle background noises and dead space, added to the overall sense of unease and made every moment in the game feel suspenseful and terrifying.

The importance of atmosphere cannot be overstated in a survival horror game, and Resident Evil 7 Biohazard succeeded in creating an atmosphere that kept players on the edge of their seats. It was a masterclass in building tension and delivering a truly immersive horror experience.

resident evil 7 biohazard game

Graphics and Design: Detailing the Nightmare in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game

The graphics and design of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game played a crucial role in immersing players in its terrifying world. The game’s detailed and realistic visuals brought the nightmare to life, creating a believable horror setting. From the decaying walls of an abandoned southern farmhouse to the grotesque creatures that lurked in the shadows, every element of the game’s design contributed to the overall sense of dread and terror. The attention to detail in the environments, character models, and atmospheric effects made Resident Evil 7 Biohazard a visually stunning and immersive experience.

Visual Fidelity: Creating a Believable Horror Setting

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game pushed the boundaries of visual fidelity, creating a believable and immersive horror setting. The game’s use of the RE Engine, Capcom’s proprietary game engine, allowed for stunning graphics and realistic environments. The decaying walls, flickering lights, and hauntingly detailed character models brought the nightmare to life and added to the overall sense of dread and horror.

The attention to detail in the game’s visuals was truly remarkable. From the intricate textures to the atmospheric lighting, every element of the game’s design contributed to the immersive experience. The visual fidelity of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard elevated the horror to new heights, making every encounter with the Baker family or the molded monsters even more terrifying and unforgettable.

Sound Design: Amplifying Fear with Audio Cues

In a survival horror game like Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, sound design plays a crucial role in building tension and amplifying fear. The game’s audio cues were expertly crafted to create a sense of unease and anticipation, making every step and every sound a potential threat.

The eerie background music, the distant whispers, and the unsettling noises added to the oppressive atmosphere of the game. The sound of a creaking floorboard or a distant scream sent shivers down players’ spines, heightening the sense of dread and making every moment in the game feel suspenseful and terrifying.

The attention to detail in the sound design of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game was remarkable. The audio cues not only alerted players to the presence of enemies but also added depth and immersion to the overall gameplay experience. It was a masterclass in creating a truly immersive horror experience through sound.

resident evil 7 biohazard game

The Baker Family: Antagonists with a Twist

One of the standout elements of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game was its twisted and memorable antagonists, the Baker family. Led by the enigmatic and sadistic “Daddy,” the Baker family added depth and complexity to the game’s narrative, making them more than just typical horror villains.

From the moment players entered the Baker family’s deranged plantation, they were thrust into a nightmare of terror and psychological torment. Daddy, Mama, and their two children, along with the mysterious Grandma, were a formidable and terrifying force that players had to contend with throughout the game.

What made the Baker family so compelling was their believability and the way they were portrayed. They were not just mindless monsters but characters with their own motivations and twisted sense of justice. The game delved into their backstory and explored their relationships with each other and the world around them, adding layers of depth and intrigue to the narrative.

As players progressed through the game, they uncovered more about the Baker family and their connection to the larger Resident Evil universe. The game’s narrative unfolded in unexpected ways, keeping players engaged and invested in the story. The Baker family served as a perfect foil to the game’s protagonist, Ethan Winters, creating a battle of wits and survival that kept players on the edge of their seats.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game introduced a new kind of enemy in the form of the molded monsters. These grotesque creatures were the result of a biohazard outbreak, and players encountered them throughout their journey through the Baker family’s plantation. The molded monsters added an extra layer of horror and challenge to the game, forcing players to adapt their strategies and rely on their wits and resources to survive.

The Baker family and the molded monsters were a testament to the game’s ability to create memorable and terrifying enemies. They were more than just obstacles to overcome; they were integral to the narrative and the overall horror experience of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard.

Character Depth: Understanding the Baker Family

The Baker family in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was not just a group of mindless horror villains but characters with depth and complexity. Through exploration and uncovering hidden documents, players gained insights into the family’s backstory and motivations, which added depth to their characters.

Each member of the Baker family had their own quirks and distinct personalities, making them more than just generic horror antagonists. Daddy’s sadistic nature, Mama’s maternal instincts mixed with madness, and the children’s eerie behavior all contributed to the overall sense of unease and terror. The game’s narrative developed their characters further, revealing the tragedies and horrors that molded them into the monsters they had become.

Understanding the Baker family’s character depth added an extra layer of engagement and intrigue to the game. It made them more than just obstacles to overcome; they became characters players could both fear and empathize with, creating a truly memorable and chilling experience.

A New Kind of Enemy: Molded Monsters Explained

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game introduced a new kind of enemy in the form of the molded monsters, created by the mysterious bio-weapon known as the E-Type virus. These grotesque creatures were the result of a biohazard outbreak, and were encountered by players throughout the game, adding an extra layer of horror and challenge. With the arrival of the Umbrella forces, protagonist Ethan is able to defeat the giant molded monster Eveline and end the biohazard threat.

The molded monsters were relentless and formidable foes, capable of inflicting devastating damage. They possessed superhuman strength and resilience, making them difficult to defeat. Players had to carefully manage their resources and use strategic gameplay tactics to overcome these terrifying adversaries.

The design of the molded monsters was grotesque and unsettling, with twisted limbs and disfigured bodies. Their appearance added to the overall sense of dread and horror in the game, creating a truly nightmarish experience for players.

The inclusion of the molded monsters in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard expanded the game’s lore and deepened the mystery surrounding the biohazard outbreak. It added an extra layer of challenge and fear, forcing players to adapt their strategies and think creatively to survive.

Gameplay Mechanics: Innovation Meets Tradition

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game introduced innovative gameplay mechanics while staying true to the series’ roots. The game successfully combined classic Resident Evil elements with fresh and exciting gameplay features, creating a gameplay experience that was both nostalgic and innovative.

Combat System: Balancing Gunplay and Resource Management

The combat system in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard struck a delicate balance between gunplay and resource management. Players had to carefully manage their ammunition and healing items while facing off against the Baker family and the molded monsters.

Combat encounters were tense and challenging, requiring players to make strategic decisions on when to engage or avoid enemies. The limited resources added an extra layer of tension, forcing players to think on their feet and conserve supplies.

The combat system in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard rewarded careful planning and precise execution. Players had to choose their battles wisely, considering factors such as enemy strength and their own inventory. It added a strategic element to the gameplay and further heightened the sense of survival horror.

Healing and Crafting: Survival Essentials

Healing and crafting were essential mechanics in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, allowing players to replenish their health and create useful items. As players explored the Baker family’s plantation, they would discover herbs and other resources that could be combined to create healing items, ammunition, and other survival essentials.

The healing and crafting mechanics added depth and strategy to the gameplay. Players had to carefully manage their resources and make smart decisions on when to heal or craft items. It required careful planning and resource allocation to survive the horrors of the game.

The inclusion of healing and crafting mechanics in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard added an extra layer of immersion and realism to the survival horror experience. It allowed players to feel more connected to the game world and actively participate in their own survival.

resident evil 7 biohazard game

Narrative and Storytelling: Unraveling the Mystery

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game presented players with a captivating narrative that kept them engaged and invested in the game. The story followed the journey of Ethan Winters as he searched for his missing wife, Mia, and unraveled the dark secrets of the Baker family and their connection to the larger Resident Evil universe.

The narrative in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was expertly crafted, weaving together elements of mystery, suspense, and horror. It kept players on the edge of their seats as they uncovered the truth behind the biohazard outbreak and the twisted experiments that took place in the Baker family’s plantation.

The storytelling in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was enhanced by its atmospheric environments, detailed character development, and well-paced narrative progression. It successfully created a sense of dread and anticipation, making players eager to uncover the next piece of the puzzle.

While Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was a standalone entry in the series, it also included connections to the larger Resident Evil universe. References to the infamous Raccoon City and appearances by familiar characters, such as Chris Redfield, added depth and richness to the game’s lore.

The narrative and storytelling in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard were some of its strongest aspects, elevating the game beyond a simple horror experience. It was a gripping and immersive journey that kept players engaged from beginning to end, leaving them eager for more.

Connections to the Resident Evil Universe

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard included connections to the larger Resident Evil universe, adding depth and expanding the game’s lore. References to the infamous Raccoon City, the setting of previous Resident Evil games, and appearances by familiar characters like Chris Redfield brought a sense of familiarity and nostalgia to the game.

While Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was a standalone entry in the series, these connections to the wider universe served to enrich the game’s narrative and deepen the mystery surrounding the biohazard outbreak. They provided a sense of continuity and hinted at a larger story waiting to be explored.

Fans of the Resident Evil series would appreciate these connections, while newcomers would find themselves intrigued and eager to learn more about the larger universe. It was a testament to the game’s storytelling and its ability to create a cohesive and interconnected world.

Plot Twists and Revelations: Keeping Players Engaged

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was full of plot twists and revelations that kept players engaged and eager to uncover the next piece of the puzzle. The game expertly crafted its narrative, gradually unveiling the dark secrets of the Baker family and the biohazard outbreak.

As players progressed through the game, they were met with unexpected twists and shocking revelations that challenged their understanding of the story and the characters involved. These plot twists kept players on the edge of their seats, constantly questioning the true nature of the horrors they were facing.

The well-paced and carefully executed plot twists and revelations in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard added depth and intrigue to the game’s narrative. They ensured that players remained invested in the story and eager to uncover the truth behind the Baker family and the biohazard outbreak.

Player Reception and Critical Acclaim

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard received widespread critical acclaim and was well-received by players worldwide. The game’s return to its survival horror roots and its innovative gameplay mechanics were praised by critics and fans alike.

Awards and Nominations: Recognizing Excellence

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard garnered numerous awards and nominations, recognizing its excellence in the survival horror genre. The game’s achievements were acknowledged by the gaming industry and the gaming community, cementing its place as a standout entry in the Resident Evil series.

Community Feedback: What Players Love and Critique

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard received positive feedback from the gaming community, with players praising its return to survival horror and its immersive gameplay experience. The game’s first-person perspective and PlayStation VR compatibility were widely acclaimed for their ability to heighten the horror and create an unforgettable experience.

DLCs and Additional Content: Expanding the Horror

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard expanded its horror with the addition of DLCs and additional content. These offerings provided players with new experiences and extended the gameplay beyond the main game.

Notable DLCs: Banned Footage and End of Zoe

Two notable DLCs for Resident Evil 7 Biohazard were “Banned Footage” and “End of Zoe.” These expansions added new storylines, gameplay modes, and additional challenges to the game.

Free Updates: Enhancing the Experience Post-Launch

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard received free updates post-launch, enhancing the gameplay experience for players. These updates introduced new features, improvements, and bug fixes, ensuring that players had the best possible experience with the game.

resident evil 7 biohazard game


The Horror Continues in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Game, where classic elements intertwine with innovative gameplay. The first-person perspective enhances the immersive horror experience, complemented by VR compatibility. Dive into puzzles, atmospheric nuances, and the intriguing Baker Family dynamics. Witness the narrative unfold with plot twists and engaging gameplay mechanics. Explore DLCs for extended horror thrills. Resident Evil enthusiasts and newcomers alike are drawn to its gripping storyline and thrilling gameplay. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or a novice, Resident Evil 7 Biohazard promises a heart-racing adventure through a nightmare come to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I play Resident Evil 7 without prior knowledge of the series?

Yes, you can play Resident Evil 7 Biohazard without prior knowledge of the series. The game serves as a new beginning, offering a fresh start for players. While it includes connections to the larger Resident Evil universe, it can be enjoyed as a standalone entry.

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